

Real estate investment can be a great way to diversify your portfolio and create an opportunity for a lucrative return. Let us help you explore all the options when it comes to invested in the world or real property.

1. Market Knowledge: As a real estate professional we have a deep understanding of the local market conditions, trends, and opportunities. We can provide you with valuable insights on which areas are up-and-coming, where the demand is high, and which neighborhoods have the potential for growth.

2. Property Analysis: Investing in real estate involves careful analysis of potential properties. We can help you evaluate the property's value, potential rental income, expenses, and any potential risks or challenges. We can also assist you in conducting due diligence, such as verifying property titles, permits, and other legal aspects.

3. Networking: Real estate professionals, like ourselves, have a vast network of contacts, including other investors, lenders, contractors, and property managers. We can connect you with the right people who can help you with financing, property maintenance, renovations, and other crucial aspects of your investment.

4. Negotiation Skills: When it comes to buying or selling real estate, negotiation skills are essential. As a skilled real estate professional, we can negotiate on your behalf to ensure you get the best possible deal. We have the ability to navigate conversations with sellers, agents, and other parties involved, ultimately helping you secure the most favorable terms.

5. Risk Management: Investing in real estate inherently comes with risks. We can help you assess and manage these risks, ensuring that you make informed decisions. We can also help you understand potential pitfalls, such as zoning restrictions, environmental issues, or market fluctuations, and guide you in mitigating and minimizing these risks.

6. Portfolio Diversification: We can assist you in diversifying your investment portfolio. We help you identify opportunities in different types of properties, such as residential, commercial, or rental properties, based on your financial goals and risk appetite.

Overall, using us as your real estate professional is essential to act as your trusted advisor, providing you with the guidance, expertise, and support necessary to make informed investment decisions and maximize your returns in various real estate ventures.



Real estate investment can be a great way to diversify your portfolio and create an opportunity for a lucrative return. Let us help you explore all the options when it comes to invested in the world or real property.

Once a tenant is secured, we handle all aspects of lease agreements, ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations. Our team is responsible for rent collection, ensuring that payments are made on time and in a convenient manner for both property owners and tenants. We also provide detailed financial statements and reports, allowing property owners to have a clear understanding of their rental income and expenses.

Maintenance is a crucial aspect of long-term rental management, and our team takes proactive measures to ensure the properties under our management are well-maintained. We coordinate repairs and maintenance requests, working with trusted contractors to promptly address any issues that arise. Regular property inspections are conducted to identify potential problems before they escalate, ensuring the longevity and value of the property.

Additionally, we prioritize effective communication and transparency. Our team is readily available to address any concerns or queries from both property owners and tenants, providing timely responses and updates. We act as a liaison between the two parties, ensuring smooth communication and conflict resolution when necessary.

At Rock House Realty, our goal is to maximize the return on investment for property owners while creating a comfortable and positive living experience for tenants. With our expertise, attention to detail, and commitment to exceptional service, we strive to exceed expectations in managing long-term rentals.

Rock House Realty is a trusted property management company that excels in managing long-term rentals. With years of experience in the industry, we understand the unique needs and challenges associated with renting out properties for an extended period.

Our dedicated team of professionals takes care of every aspect of long-term rental management, ensuring a hassle-free experience for property owners. We start by marketing the property extensively, utilizing various channels to attract a pool of qualified and reliable tenants. Our thorough tenant screening process includes background checks, credit verification, and reference checks, ensuring that only the most suitable tenants are chosen.

Long Term Rentals

The Hocking Hills region offers several compelling reasons to consider for your short-term investment:

1. High demand: The Hocking Hills is a popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors each year. This high demand ensures a steady stream of potential renters for your short-term rental property.

2. Natural beauty and attractions: The Hocking Hills is known for its stunning natural beauty, including scenic forests, waterfalls, and hiking trails. It also offers a range of outdoor activities such as zip-lining, rock climbing, and canoeing, making it an appealing destination for vacationers.

3. Proximity to major cities: The Hocking Hills is conveniently located within a short drive from major cities like Columbus, Ohio. This proximity makes it an attractive weekend getaway for city dwellers, increasing the potential for bookings and maximizing occupancy rates.

4. Year-round appeal: The Hocking Hills offers something for every season, making it a desirable destination year-round. Visitors flock to the area to witness the vibrant fall foliage, enjoy outdoor activities in the summer, or experience the peacefulness of the winter season.

5. Strong rental income potential: With a high demand for short-term rentals in the Hocking Hills, you have the opportunity to generate substantial rental income. By setting competitive rates and maintaining your property's quality, you can maximize your returns on investment.

Consider investing in the Hocking Hills for its strong rental demand, natural attractions, convenient location, year-round appeal, and potential for high rental income.

Short Term Rentals

We start by conducting a thorough assessment of your property, taking into account its location, size, condition, and potential market value. This allows us to develop a customized management plan that aligns with your goals and objectives.

One of our primary focuses is on tenant acquisition and retention. We employ targeted marketing strategies to attract businesses and organizations that are a good fit for your property. Our team thoroughly screens potential tenants, evaluating their financial stability, business history, and industry reputation. We negotiate lease agreements that protect your interests and comply with local regulations.

Rent collection and financial management are handled meticulously by our team. We ensure prompt and accurate collection of rent and any additional fees, providing detailed financial statements and reports to keep you informed about the financial performance of your property. Our experienced professionals also monitor market trends and conduct regular rent reviews to ensure your property remains competitive in the market.

Maintenance and repairs are crucial for keeping commercial properties in optimal condition. We have established relationships with trusted vendors and contractors, enabling us to promptly address any maintenance issues that arise. Regular inspections are conducted to identify potential problems and ensure that your property meets safety and compliance standards.

We understand that effective communication is key to successful commercial property management. Our team serves as a reliable point of contact for tenants, addressing their concerns and ensuring their needs are met. We also act as a liaison between you and the tenants, facilitating open communication and resolving any disputes that may arise.

With Rock House Realty managing your commercial property, you can expect a professional and hands-on approach that prioritizes your financial success and the satisfaction of your tenants. Our experience and dedication to excellence make us the ideal partner for all your commercial property management needs.

Rock House Realty extends its expertise in property management to commercial properties, offering comprehensive services tailored to the unique needs of commercial property owners. We understand that managing commercial properties requires specialized knowledge and skills, and our team is well-equipped to handle the complexities of commercial property management.

Our commercial property management services encompass a wide range of responsibilities to ensure the smooth operation and maximization of your investment. 

Property Management


Cap Rate Calculator

An effective way to assess a successful real estate investments is to calculate the cap rate. Simply calculate the net operating income by subtracting expenses from rental income. Then, determine the market value through thorough research or consulting a trusted appraiser. Finally, divide the NOI by the market value, multiply by 100, and voila! You have the cap rate as a percentage, indicating the profitability of the investment. Don't forget to consider crucial factors like location and market trends to make an informed decision. Start maximizing your returns today with the cap rate, or better yet, reach out and let us guide you. 

Assessing Investments

Rock House Realty is a trusted property management company that excels in managing long-term rentals. With years of experience in the industry, we understand the unique needs and challenges associated with renting out properties for an extended period.

Our dedicated team of professionals takes care of every aspect of long-term rental management, ensuring a hassle-free experience for property owners. We start by marketing the property extensively, utilizing various channels to attract a pool of qualified and reliable tenants. Our thorough tenant screening process includes background checks, credit verification, and reference checks, ensuring that only the most suitable tenants are chosen.

Long Term Rentals

The Hocking Hills region offers several compelling reasons to consider for your short-term investment including high demand, natural beauty and attractions, proximity to major cities, year-round appeal and strong rental income potential.

Consider investing in the Hocking Hills for its strong rental demand, natural attractions, convenient location, year-round appeal, and potential for high rental income.

Short Term Rentals


Rock House Realty extends its expertise in property management to commercial properties, offering comprehensive services tailored to the unique needs of commercial property owners. We understand that managing commercial properties requires specialized knowledge and skills, and our team is well-equipped to handle the complexities of commercial property management.

Our commercial property management services encompass a wide range of responsibilities to ensure the smooth operation and maximization of your investment. 

With Rock House Realty managing your commercial property, you can expect a professional and hands-on approach that prioritizes your financial success and the satisfaction of your tenants. Our experience and dedication to excellence make us the ideal partner for all your commercial property management needs.

Property Management

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An effective way to assess a successful real estate investments is to calculate the cap rate. Simply calculate the net operating income by subtracting expenses from rental income. Then, determine the market value through thorough research or consulting a trusted appraiser. Finally, divide the NOI by the market value, multiply by 100, and voila! You have the cap rate as a percentage, indicating the profitability of the investment. Don't forget to consider crucial factors like location and market trends to make an informed decision. Start maximizing your returns today with the cap rate, or better yet, reach out and let us guide you. 

Assessing Investments